Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 In Review: The Covid Year

 Hello Runners.'s my running summary for 2020, a crazy year.

I set my 2020 goals as follows (of course, prior to knowing about Covid).


Notice, that my goals are all process oriented.  No time or race goals.  Frankly, I had no idea how I'd run in 2020, and at 53 figured all my PRs are behind me. 

So, how did I stack up against my goals?

Be a good team mate

I joined Athletics East toward the end of last year.  AE is an Master's track club based in the DC area.  My first running team (I was on a cycling team 25 years ago).  I joined in on workouts and races - ran a relay on an indoor track, and placed in some road races representing the team.   I worked with the other guys during races, "pulled" a team member to a mile PR, and had a shit ton of run.  I consider this goal a big green check mark.

Have Fun

I've made running too important in the past, and took my running too seriously.  This year my focus was on my own improvement and making running more social (both on the Team and the Ashburn crew).  I avoided (best I could) comparison to others, and focused on my process and how I'm feeling, in the moment.  Except for a few moments in 2020, I've achieved this goal.

Avoid Injury

Complete success! (Almost).  I had to take about 5 days off in August due to a tight IT band.  I ran a mile race, and 7 days later did some hard 800m repeats.  The back to back weeks or very fast stuff got the IT going.  I immediately took a few days off and did some rehab, and was back in action.  I'm proud that I was able to take the days off when I needed them....and avoided a bigger injury.  That may not have been the case a few years ago.

Try New Races / Training Methods

I ran indoor track January thru March this year.  I did a 3k, 2k, a couple 1500's and a 400m relay race.  All new to me, hell I'd never even been on an indoor track before!  And, since I had no prior experience, I had no was a blast.  I also started a new training plan provided by my Coach on AE.  The new plan includes different workouts than I was doing, and focused more on fast paced work.  The change itself I think was worth it, I was stuck in the a rut of doing the same workouts over and over again.  Goal complete.

So, how was my race performance this year?

Even tho my goals are all process, race results are still the barometer of a good or bad year for me.  And, I got faster this year....even with Covid.

  • 10k PR - 37:43
    • Almost a minute off my old PR.
    • I ran a small DCRR race in March coming off the Indoor races.
    • Completely surprised was fantastic.
  • 1 Mile PR - 5:16
    • 1 second improvement from my prior PR (set 4 years ago).
    • Same course, Loudoun Mile, in Winchester, VA.
    • I had a couple team mates helping push thru....
  • 5k PR - 18:06
    • Small race in the Fall under Covid restrictions.
    • My PR prior to this year was 18:40.
    • This year I ran 18:25; 18:18; and 18:06....solid improvement.

Here's to hoping 2021 gets back to normal (or at least closer).  Looks like Spring is going to be light on race opportunities, but maybe the Fall we can get back to larger races?  


Carry on....

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Loudoun Street Mile

Hello Runners.

Exciting news!  I was actually able to a REAL race....yesterday; the Loudoun Street Mile in Winchester, VA.  The race was slightly modified from the normal format, it was run in heats with a maximum of 50 per heat.  the "A" Heat for men seeded faster than 5:00; "B" Heat for fast women, and "C" Heat for Men slower than 5:00.  I submitted an optimistic seed time of 5:10 and was put in the "C" Heat.  "A" race went off at 9:00; "B" race at 9:10; and "C" Race at 9:20.

I met some team mates before the race, did our warm-ups; and started to feel it getting hotter and hotter.  At 9:20 race start it was 77 degrees and 85% humidity.  I turned to my team mate (Mark), who I was planning to run with most of way and suggested we target 5:15; 1:19 per quarter adjusted for incline/decline on the course; he agreed.  Plan set - we line up - and we're off.

The course is a straight shot down Loudoun Street, ending downtown Winchester on a pedestrian only brick outdoor shopping area.

Quarter by quarter breakdown:

  • Q1 (1:17): The first quarter is downhill, we spend the first 200 meters getting into rhythm and sorting thru the other racers, then settle in.  We go over the 1/4 mile marker in 1:17. Mark is no my shoulder, I'm feeling fine about 10 racers in front of us.  A couple seconds ahead of schedule, but I feel like I'm holding back some.
  •  Q2: (1:24): The 2nd quarter is uphill, and I planned to slow down some, but this is too slow.  I'm feeling fine, but I probably gave back a few seconds here.  Mark is still right on my shoulder.  I'm drafting off a kid, but I need to move.
  • Q3 (1:17): The third quarter is another downhill section.  I want to gain some time here and I do.  It's getting pretty hard now - I'm pushing, downhill is helping.  1:17, got a few seconds back.
  • Q4 (1:18):  My thought is to hold pace for another 200 meters, then go hard.  Mark is on my shoulder, the roads turns to bricks about 250-300 meter out.  When we get to the bricks Mark passes me and has about a 5 meter gap.  I go with him best I can, holding the gap but not closing back up on him.  I push and push - my legs will just not go any faster.  1:18 last quarter on a relatively flat section.
  • Total time: 5:16: one second, one tick, faster than four years.  Four years older, and one second faster, I'll take it. 

It was great to get back out and race again.  I really appreciate Runner's Retreat for putting on the race.  I'm sure there were extra steps they had to take, and it would have been easier to cancel like most have done - much, much appreciated!

I saw many people in "real life" that have been Strava only friends since February.  That was nice.

Now back to time trials - nothing else on the calendar anytime soon.


Monday, June 29, 2020

Race Report: 5k - Covid Edition

Hello Runners.

Hope you are all doing well during Covid and getting your runs in.  I've always done all of my week day runs solo, and even on the weekend I only run with one or two other people, so it hasn't been that much different for me - EXCEPT THAT I CAN'T RACE!  I like racing....

The Covid restrictions have lightened up some in the DC  / Northern Virginia area; so my Team (Athletics East) organized a Time Trial at a HS in Alexandria, VA - a chance for us to get out, run hard, and see each other from a 6' distance.  A couple of the Team members not racing were keeping time, and we had the option of 1 mile, 2 mile, 5k, 10k - all starting at the same time.  I chose the 5k.

Knowing this TT was coming up; 2 weeks ago I did a track workout: 3 x 1200; 1 x 800 with 400 jog rest.  I did the 1200's and the 800 averaging about 5:48 per 1600.  I felt under control during the reps, and was able to run some faster 400's and 200's right after, so I thought that would be a good pace for the 5k.  However, that workout 2 weeks ago was in MUCH better weather.

Saturday morning, the day of the TT was HOT.  At our 8:00 start time, it was 78 degrees, and 65% humidity.  I decided I would try 1:28 400's (:44 per 200), which puts me at 5:52 per 1600 and hang on for as long as I could; if I melted then okay; but I'd give it a go.  If somehow I ran exactly on those splits, I would cross 5000m (12 1/2 laps) at 18:20.  I had a couple other team mates going for for approximately the same time.  I took manual splits on my watch and had team mates yelling splits as well.

At the start line I confidently proclaimed "Let's go 1:28's; I take the first 400".  I got a couple of wary; not quite fully committed okays; Covid appropriate elbow taps, and we're ready to go:

First 1600:  (5:50) 
After my pacing proclamation I proceeded to run the first 400 in 41 seconds (do'h!).  If I was one of the guys behind me, I would have smacked me on the back of the head.  Luckily, these are nice guys, and my head is not bruised.  After the first 200 we settled in, took turns leading and came thru 1600m 2 seconds ahead of schedule (all of it from the first 200m).  I was feeling pretty good, relaxed.  Hadn't been on the front since the first 400.

Second 1600: (5:57)
During the 5th lap I felt the pace slow a little bit, and went back to the front.  From the 6th lap on I was on point, doing my best to hold pace.  I was now starting to feel overheated.  But, not hurting really, just hot.  Lost the 2 seconds from the first 1600, and now 3 seconds behind target.

Third 1600: (5:57)
Going into this section I didn't feel too bad; but with 1k to go it hit me - hard.  My strategy was to not let any 400 be slower than 1:30.  I succeeded, but barely.  I narrowed my focus to each 200m segment; "Get to the next 200m mark", then "do it again"; then again....

Last 200: (:41)
I dug hard on the last 200, and finished about as fast as my first 200.  Taking 3 seconds off my planned pace.  I stumbled around for a few seconds, and almost felt like I was going to heave, but I kept it together.

Total time: 18:26 (1:28.5 per 400)

Like I said; I like racing and I treated this TT like a race.  I went all out, tapered for a couple days, and really tried to to do well.  It was fun.  Fun to race; fun to have a couple guys to run fast with; and fun to see my team mates.

I've run a few July 4th 5k's in similar weather and have never run faster than 18:50.  So, I feel good about the time (even considering I know a track is faster than a road course).  I think I could go maybe 15 seconds faster in good weather; all my PR's have been in 40-45 degree weather.

I hope some "real" races are scheduled again soon.  If not, these TT's will do for a while.


Monday, April 6, 2020

Weekly Running Log: Week Ending April 5

Hello Runners.

Hope y'all are maintaining sanity while we run alone or with our 'designated house mates' (or whatever that term is).

This week looks a lot like the last two weeks for me, putting in a Workout on Wednesday, LR on Saturday, and Trail Run/Hike on Sunday.  My mileage creeped up above 60, but it wasn't planned and I'm not sure it 'counts' since 8 of those miles were at 11:00 pace with walk breaks on the AT (Appalachian Trail).

I'm holding up okay in the social distancing thing.  I'm starting to see some of the downsides of working from home every day.  I'm getting better at, learning to adopt my communication style - but I'm feeling more and more 'separated' from my Team.  But, this is a running blog - working from home also gives me a lot more flexibility when I run and more time to recover and do all the 'non-running' support stuff; including more sleep!

My overall weekly mileage has been up slightly, but I'm feeling less 'run down'; I think the number one reason is getting enough sleep.  I've also been eating slightly better - I have NO willpower to avoid crap food at the office, especially free crap food!  Being home gets me away from that temptation, so I'm eating (slightly) better.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 61
  • Workout: Daniels' LT.  20' @ 6:18 pace, about my calculated 10 mile race pace.
  • Long Run:  15 mi.  7:15 pace hilly route (1,300 ft. of climbing) on dirt/grave county roads.  
  • Trail Run/Hike: AT from Keys Gap to almost Harper's Ferry (and back).  Quite rocky, forced to hike parts of it.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Running Log: Week Ending March 29

Hello Runners. all of you...still hunkered down and no races on the calendar.

I spent some time this week contemplating my Fall racing schedule, which seems odd in March but that's where we are. Both of my longer races in I had scheduled in March / April have been postponed to next year.  So, I already have two races scheduled for Spring 2021 (RNR DC Half and Cherry Blossom 10 miler).  That's weird (at least for me).

This week's training has been a 'Normal' week, with the exception of doing all my week day runs on roads around my house.  I'm starting to get a little bored with these roads, although I live in an area that's pretty good for running.....

I'm also doing more trail running.  Trail running doesn't normally fit into my schedule when I'm planning for road races, but since that's all gone to shit I'm going to do some 'exploring', and fit it in with a 'get back to nature' attitude (might even bring some granola with me - trees are still okay to hug, right?)

I decided to NOT run a track time trial next weekend.  I liked the idea, but it is a Team organized thing, we were planning to "gather", and it just feels a little irresponsible (and my wife said she wouldn't bail me out of jail if I was arrested for "gathering").  So, that's out.  I know if I tried a solo time trial I will not run well and then be frustrated.  So, going to continue looking at Fall racing.  Hell, a 4th of July 5k in sweltering heat doesn't sound too bad at this point!

I'm keeping the fitness up by doing a Workout during the week and weekend Long Run, just taking a little bit of the edge off.  Then, do some Trail running - found a section of the AT to run on Sunday, something new.  I didn't realize how technical and hilly it was; so that became more of a hike than run....but, so what?

Weekly Summary:
  • Miles: 57
  • Workout: 9 x half mile on TM at 10.5 mph w/0.5% incline.  1/4 recoveries.
  • LR: 14 mile Progression down to about Half pace. 

My general weekly schedule during this quarantine period for Monday-Sunday:
  •  Recovery / Easy / Workout / Recovery / Easy / Long Run / Trail Run
    • Workout / Long Run / Trail based on how I feel
    • Trying very hard to enjoy the run, be present, appreciate it.
    • Hip/core work and Leg Strength.  Foam roll/stretch.

Onward people.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Training Log Week Ending March 22 - Everyhing's Cancelled

Hello Runners.

Yeah - you all know the story....everything's cancelled (that is...all races are cancelled).

And...I'm working from home, as most people are.

How has this changed by training and overall running outlook?

  • I had a half planned for March 28, and a 10 mile race on April 4.
  • I had been doing workouts to gear up for those races.
  • I was excited because I just set a 10k PR, and thought I could lower my half and 10 mile PR's this Spring as well.
  • I don't do well running without a race on the horizon - I like to have something to 'shoot for'.  It's not the only reason I run, but I like to have a reason / target for my weekly workout.  Without a race, I don't feel focused.
  • My Team has scheduled a Team Time Trial on April 4.
    • It's a chance for us to go to a track and time each other while we run in circles.
    • I'm going to take the opportunity to see what I can do on a track 5k with a bunch of goofs (like me) yelling at me to 'speed up / don't slow down' every 400 meters.
    • I'll convert my recent 10k time, and see what I can do.
  • So, this gives my training purpose for now...
  • I do most of my training solo, except for weekends with a couple friends, so that is no different really.
Running Outlook:
  • I gotta say - working from home has given me time to train and sleep more.
  • I'm saving 90 minutes a day in commute, and I can run mid-day now if I feel like it.
  • My alarm clock is set TWO AND HALF HOURS later then when I need to commute to work and get my run/strength work done before my 8:00 start time.
    • That's hella nice.
  • I'm learning to appreciate the quiet roads and trails around my house. 
  • My running mileage is the same / up from 'normal' but I'm feeling more rested/recovered than ever.

Weekly Summary:
  • Miles: 61 
  • Workout: 3 x 1k in 3:36 (400 jog recovery) + 4 x 300 in 1:00 (200 recovery)
  • Long Run: 14.6 miles at Manassas Battlefield trails.   

  • Monday: 6 miles Recovery (10 am run).  Foam roll/mobility.
  • Tuesday:  7.5 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core maintenance.  Foam roll/mobility.
  • Wednesday: 9 miles with 3xk + 4x300.  Big leg strength (shrug bar deadlift/hamstring curl/calf raise/band side walk).
  • Thursday: 6 miles Recovery (2pm) .
  • Friday: 7.8 Easy with Hill Repeats.
  • Saturday: 14.8 Miles on Trails (2 hours).  Fell TWICE causing others to wonder if "that old guy trying to run is okay".
  • Sunday: 10 miles Easy on C&O - which is not PAVED

Be safe out there people.  Onward.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Running Training Log: Week Ending March 15

Hello Runners.

This week's training focused first on recovering from a 10k last Sunday, then turned the focus to preparing for a HM in two weeks.

Monday & Tuesday were full on Recovery Runs. Wednesday I started feeling better, but still ran a fully conversational Easy run with a few strides.

Thursday Workout:
I scheduled a workout on Thursday (4th day after the race); with the intention of pulling the plug if I wasn't feeling it.  A workout 4 days after a 10k is pushing it slightly for me....

I ended up doing 20' at Lactate Threshold (as defined by Daniels at "what I can run for one hour).  I ended up getting in 3.4 miles at 6:15 pace; in the middle of a 9 mile run.  Felt okay, better than I thought I would post-race.

Sunday Long Run:
The half I was going to race on March 28th was cancelled.  So the next race that is still on my calendar is the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in three weeks.

I decided to continue with my planned LR of 14 miles with 2 x 3 miles at HMP.

Week Summary:

  • Mileage: 55
  • Workout: 20' @ LT (6:15 pace)
  • Long Run: 16 w/2 x 3 at HMP (6:25 / 6:20).

Daily Details:
  • Monday:  6 miles recovery.  (8:30 pace).  Lotsa pressure point therapy/foam rolling/mobility.
  • Tuesday: 7.3 miles still recovery (8:20 pace).  Hip/core maintenance work.  Foam rolling.
  • Wednesday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides (7:55 pace - more like it).  Upper body strength.  Rolling/mobility.
  • Thursday: 9.3 miles with 3.4 @ LT.  Big leg strength.
  • Friday:  7.1 Easy.  Beginning today I'm working from home.  Office closed through end of next week.
  • Saturday: 4 miles Easy.  Strides.  Hip/core maintenance.
  • Sunday: 14 miles with 3 miles at 6:25 / then 2 miles at 6:20.

13 days till RNR DC Half21 days till Cherry Blossom 10 miler.


Monday, March 9, 2020

Weekly Running Log: DCRR Fort Hunt 10k

Hello Runners.

Sunday I ran a "small" 10k put on the DCRR (that's Washington DC Road Runners) at Fort Hunt Park in Alexandria, VA.  I finished in 37:43 (a :56 PR).

Race Summary:
  • The course in Fort Hunt Park is 5 loops of 1.2 miles + a small start/finish chute to complete 10k.
  • The weather was perfect.  About 40 degrees and no wind.
  • The course was relatively flat, with small rollers.
  • What led me to PR?
    • The weather and course definitely helped, and is needed to give me a chance to PR.
    •  Good competition - I was in a good group of runners that kept me motivated to keep up the pace.  I've found that if I don't have someone to chase / motivation to stay in a group it's easier for me to 'let the pace go' as the race nears the end and get it's really hard.
    • Strategy - I settled into about 6:05 pace the first "loop".  It didn't feel "fast" and decided I was going to hold the pace or die trying.
      • I ended up being able to hold the pace all the way through.  The "slow down" never happened.
      • I had my watch set on "Avg pace" and just checked every now and then that the average wasn't dropping.
    • I "think" the Indoor Season (a few shorter races on a track) might have helped out with being able to keep the pace.  Nothing like 1500 / 3k / 2k races to make 10k pace feel slow.
    • I was also able to play psychological games with the 5 laps.
      • I counted them down - 4, 3, 2, 1; which made a different cadence than counting the miles (no mile markers by the way on the course).
    • Accountability - I had a few other Team members racing as well, some cheering for me.  I think the accountability of the Team helped me push at the end.
    • Timing Clock - as I turned to the finish chute I saw the timing clock ticking very close to my prior PR of 38:39.  I kicked my hardest to beat my prior PR, but missed it.  38:4x was on the clock when I went over the mat.  I was disappointed, then another runner told me "The clock was started early, you were definitely under 38".  Not sure if my kick would have been as hard if I knew I had a PR already in the bag.
Shout out to DCRR for putting on a fun race.  Well done, not too much fanfare, and good competition.  I was also able to meet quite a few runners I only knew through Strava.

Side Note:  I went into the race feeling "dead".  I had raced a 2k 8 days earlier and my legs had felt dead all week.  I was thinking I was on the brink of over-training.  So - I guess you never know.  "Show up and see what happens"

Side Note 2: I'm coming on one year of health.  I haven't had to take any days off from training since April 1, 2019.  That has to account for a lot of it.

Besides the race; this week's training was really just recovery runs; I did a few strides on Tuesday but even those felt too hard, and I cut them short. 

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 40
  • Workout: N/A (ran a race last Saturday)
  • Race: 10k
  • Long Run: N/A


Monday, March 2, 2020

Running Log: "Indoor Season" Complete

Hello Runners,

This training week was geared toward prepping for a 2k indoor race on Saturday.

My Monday thru Friday runs were mostly just easy running, recovering from last week and tapering for Saturday's race.

No real "workout" this week.  Tuesday, I did some "extended" strides (30" - 45") around mile pace.  But, my legs felt pretty dead; I feel like I've been on the verge of training too much the last couple of weeks.

So, after Tuesday I ran only 'Easier / Recovery" miles heading into the 2k on Saturday.

2k Race / "Indoor Season" Summary
With my race on Saturday; I completed my "Indoor Season" which consisted of two days on track.

January 19th I ran a 3k; followed by a 1500; followed by 4 x 400 relay.  In each of those races I ran slower than I expected; I attributed it to the 'newness' of an indoor track and doing 3 races in one day.

Saturday, in the 2k I also ran slower than I expected; a time of 6:58.  I thought I was in shape to run around 6:45.  Looking back on the race; I realized there's a skill to running on a small 200m track (the track we raced on had only 3 lanes for most of it; with 6 lanes on the 'start / finish' straight). 

I realized after the race that I tend to 'settle into' a pack and 'go out conservative'.  The result is that I spend the first half of the race going too slow, and I don't have a kick to make up for it later.  Because of how we are 'seeded' on the start line, it's natural for me to let the faster guys on the inside lanes get out in front of me and 'settle in' with the guys immediately around me.  If those guys run at my best pace alls good; but that hasn't happened yet in my three races.  By the time I move around and push the pace I've lost time.  This is not a big deal in a 5k; but when you're doing 10 laps of 200m there's less time to make this decision.  In the back of my mind in all three races I was afraid I was going to die prior to the finish - but each time I had a small kick and didn't lose pace.

Lesson - "Be more aggressive - get out there at my pace and drop these guys"; or if they hang and want to work with me at my pace - good.  (An alternative would be for me to submit an estimated finish time faster than I think I can do; get on the inside for the start and hang on for dear life).

But alas, the indoor season is over - maybe I'll be able to take lesson into next Winter.

Weekly Totals:

  • Miles: 55
  • Workout:  None.
  • Race: 2k on indoor banked track.
  • Long Run:  18 SLR


  • Monday: 7.5 miles (60') Easy with Strides.  Hip/core maintenance work.
  • Tuesday: 7.6 miles (60') with Extended Strides at mile pace.  Legs feeling DEAD.
  • Wednesday: 6 miles Easy - actually really Easy.  50'.  Extra foam rolling / mobility.
  • Thursday: 5 miles Super Easy.  Foam roll / stretch.
  • Friday: 4 mile Shakeout; Strides.
  • Saturday: 6 miles total with 2k Race.
  • Sunday: 18 mile SLR

Next Sunday I'm racing a 10k put on by the DCRRC at Ft. Hunt in Alexander.  I've heard it's 5 laps of 1.25 miles each.  Giddy up.


Monday, February 24, 2020

Runnin Log Week Endin: Feb. 23

Hello Runners.

Another "normal" training week, and that's great.

I moved my Tuesday workout to Wednesday (since my LR last week was Sunday instead of Saturday).  Overall mileage in the mid 50's; so nothing special there either.

I did add some plyometrics work on Thursday, after a Recovery Run.  I did 'Depth Jumps'; just one set of 8, and then two-leg hops in a square pattern; in the continued spirit of trying new things.  I don't know if plyos are best after an Easy run or workout.  I heard they are better when my legs are not as tired, so I tried it after the Recovery day.  Nothing special to report, except my jumping ability is pretty bad.  After watching a few YouTube videos, and then seeing my height in the gym mirror - I'm not getting much height at all.  But, maybe that's why I should be doing them(?)

On a side note; I ran all 7 days again this week.  Up until a few weeks ago, I ran 6 days a week at most.  I started doing 7 days when some friends wanted to switch the Saturday LR for Sunday.  Really, the only change is going from a 'walk' on the 7th day to a Recovery run of 4-5 miles.  So far, so good.  Haven't noticed any niggles, etc.

Wednesday's Workout:
5 x 1:00 at mile pace with 1' Easy; 10 minute jog; then 4 x 4' at CV with 1:30 Easy.  I did the workout on the road; at my mile pace this works out to about 300m per rep.  So, roughly 1500 meters of mile pace work.  And - I did the faster mile work before the CV reps for the second time in a row.  This time, I did a longer jog between and that seemed to help with the CV pace work.  (For those that don't know - CV pace stands for Critical Velocity - and is a Tinman thing - it's really around 10k pace for someone with my ability).  I'm focusing on the mile pace work, since I have an indoor track 2k race on Feb. 29th.

Long Run:
Saturday was my first Long Run with my Team; Athletics East (AE).  AE is a 'Master's Track Team' in the DC area.  It was fun to see the guys (yes, all Guys right now) and have a nice run.  Ended up with 15 miles; 2 x 2 miles at HMP. (6:25 - 6:30 / mile pace).  It was nice having a couple guys with me on the fast sections - usually a group Long Run breaks up on the fast sections, then re-gather for the Easy potion.  Having a couple guys right there at 6:30 pace was fun.

  • Weekly mileage: 56
  • Workout: mile reps followed by CV reps.
  • LR:  15 w/ 2 x 2 @ HMP

  • Monday:  6 miles Recovery (LR on Sunday).  Extra foam rolling/mobility.
  • Tuesday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.   Hip/core maintenance work.
  • Wednesday: 9.5 mile Workout:  Mile reps/CV reps.  Big leg strength work.
  • Thursday: 5.5 miles Recovery.  Upper body strength.  Foam role/mobility.
  • Friday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.   Hip/core maintenance work.
  • Saturday: 15 miles with Team.  4@HMP
  • Sunday:  4 miles Recovery.  Extra foam rolling/mobility. 

Bonus:  I just found out I will be able to run the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC!  A team mate of mine got in, but can't run.  So, I got the 'bib transfer'.  Nice!


Monday, February 17, 2020

Running Log: Week Ending Feb. 16th

Hello Runners.

Well, this week I'm getting back to a proper training week.  Not recovering or tapering for a race.  I'm feeling a little "undecided" on what paces I should train.  I have a 2k race coming up in a few weeks, but a HM about three weeks after that.  I've decided to focus on the speed during my Tuesday workouts leading up to the 2k, but keep the weekend Long Run relatively long to build the fitness for the Half Marathon.

This week felt pretty good, and I'm also getting back to my full strength routine - that is - lifting weights kind of strength - (I cut back on the strength work 7 days pre/post race; to avoid extra fatigue and/or injury).

Workout Details:
For this weeks' workout, I reversed the order of my pace work. I did the fast pace stuff first, then followed up with slower paces.  I heard a podcast from a notable coach (Jon Marcus) that you should do the fastest stuff first.  This is the opposite of what I've always done; but continuing the spirit of "trying new things" - I tried a new thing.  I definitely performed better on the faster (mile pace) intervals than I normally do - much more comfortable.  My planned 20' at LT I ended up cutting short (stopped at 15').  I could tell I was pushing past what LT should feel like.

Dunno yet if I will try reversing the order in the future.  It definitely felt like a 'proper' workout.  I also did it on the TM in the corporate gym to avoid wet surfaces/rain; so there's that - which does make it easier for me to hit paces - and makes the workout sort of 'artificial'.  This also has the side benefit of co-workers asking why I'm running so damn fast in silly short-shorts.

A "proper" LR this week as well.  Put in 18.5 with the Boys on Sunday.  Hit LT pace a couple times, felt nice.

Surprised to see weekly mileage at 61.  That snuck up on me, but it's only an outcome of the my daily work.  Weekly mileage is never a "objective" in itself.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 61
  • Workout:  5 x 1:00 @ mile pace (5:20) with 1' jog recoveries.  5' jog. 15' at LT (6:20) on TM.
  • Long Run: 18.5 w/2 x 1.5 miles at LT. (About 6:15 pace)
  • Monday: 8 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core strength maintenance. Foam roll/stretch.
  • Tuesday: 8.6 mile Workout.  Mile repeats followed by LT.  Big leg strength work.
  • Wednesday: 10 miles MLR.  Upper body strength. Foam roll/stretch.  Overall pace about 7:30.  Last few miles in the 7:20 range.
  • Thursaday: 5 miles Recovery.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Friday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core strength maintenance.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Saturday: 4 miles super easy.  Couple strides.
  • Sunday: 18.5 with a couple at LT. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Training Log: Week Ending Feb. 9th

Hello Runners.

Whew! I've been racing a lot lately.  5k on Jan. 1st; 3k and 1500 in Jan. 19th; 10k on Feb. 2nd.

Not sure how many folks out there are like me, but I enjoy training; I like a good training week.  I'm looking forward to a few weeks where I can get the training mojo going (my next race is Feb. 29th; a 2k on an indoor track).

Since I raced a 10k on Sunday last week, I didn't plan a proper workout during the week, to make sure I recover before going hard again.  I did surprise myself a little during my planned MLR (medium-long run) on Wednesday.  I was feeling pretty good, and started to slightly increase the pace, but not go too hard.  Turns out I ran the last 8 miles of the MLR at 7:00 pace with the last two miles at 6:55 and 6:43; never feeling like I was pushing at all.  7:00 pace is only 10 seconds slower than my MP in November, I haven't tried any runs around MP since then, it was a nice reminder that I still have that gear, and feels pretty comfortable.

The Long Run this week didn't include any faster paces.  Went 16 miles on a slightly hilly course in about 7:40 pace.  That's my longest run since the marathon, and it went pretty well.  Stayed conversational the whole time (Literally - I ran with a friend and we talked the whole time).  Really makes time fly by.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 56
  • Workout:  N/A (but did speed up some on Wednesday's MLR)
  • Long Run: 16 miles about 7:40 pace.

  • Monday:  6.5 miles Recovery.  Lotsa foam rolling / stretching.
  • Tuesday: 7.7 miles Easy.  Hip / core maintenance work.
  • Wednesday: 10 mile MLR (last 8 at 7:00 pace)
  • Thursday: 6 miles Recovery
  • Friday: 8 miles Easy with strides.  Hip / core maintenance work.
  • Saturday: 16 mile LR.
  • Sunday: 4 miles Recovery 


Monday, February 3, 2020

Training Log Update: I Ran A 10k

Hello Runners.

10k Race

In keeping with my theme of trying new things in 2020; I ran a 10k yesterday.  On a course I've run before, and distance a run a number of times.  So - what's different about this 10k?  Well, I decided on Thursday - three days prior - to run it.  A team mate of my mine was running the race and I decided to join, with an extended cool down to replace the LR miles I now wouldn't so on Saturday.

Usually for every race I run, even the local low low-key races, I plan ahead and work out my schedule for two weeks prior to the race.  Because EVERY race was an event, something to really be prepared for, and always do my best. 

The course I ran is pretty hilly, and not set up for fast times; but we had pretty good weather.  Except for not running my LR the day before, I did no taper or any other planning.  My last workout was on Wednesday.

So - how did the race go?  Well - pretty much how I think it would have gone had I planned for it two weeks ahead of time.  I ran 38:45; which for me is pretty good on the course.  My plan was to go out at 6:10 pace and see what happens.  What happened was I died on mile 5, then had a nice recovery on the last 1.2 to end up about 15 seconds slower than I was hoping for.

Do I think building up for "big races" and planning ahead is useful?  Yes, of course; especially for longer races.  But, for me I now feel some freedom that I can "jump into" local 5k/10k and not have to worry about having to be carted off because my taper wasn't great.

New experience.  Check.

Another new experience - I just signed up to ran a 2k at a local HS indoor track in a few weeks.  Why 2k; because I've never run one before or been on a 'banked indoor track'.  What the hell, let's see what happens!

Two weeks' worth of training below:

Week ending Jan. 26th

Mileage: 57 miles.
Workout:  N/A. Since I ran a 3k and 1500 last Sunday.
Long Run:  14 with 2/2mi at HM effort.  1 mile Easy between. (6:21 avg.  A lot of it downhill)
Comment:  Adding more hamstring strength work.  I think the hammies are an issue when trying to run faster / maintain a fast pace.  They seem to "go first" when something's going to start bothering me.

Week ending Feb. 2nd

Mileage: 49
Workout: CV and 3k Reps on Wednesday.
Long Run: NA
Race: 38:45 10k on Sunday  (12 miles total for the day with Warm Up and Cool Down).

This week I'll get the mileage back up some and skip the mid-week workout to recover from the 10k.  I'll add in some harder effort on the weekend long run.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Training Log: Week Ending January 19th - I Ran At A Track Meet

Hello Runners.

Running and training this week is geared to an indoor track meet on Sunday - The USATF Eastern Region Masters Championship.

As a result, most of the mileage during the week was easy miles.  I cut back Tuesday's workout to a fartlek session - I ended up running faster for 1' - 2' bursts at whatever pace felt 'relatively hard'.  I did this for 8 reps.  My legs felt pretty dead, lot of junk leftover from Saturday's track workout.  I also didn't run an LR this week, so the overall mileage is down.  Not a worry, since the goal is to run a fast 3k, 1500, and 400m leg of a relay on Sunday.

The Track Meet
I carpooled with a couple team mates the hour drive to the indoor track in Maryland.  The location is right next to the new Redskins stadium, we had to park in one of their lots and take the long walk in.  Not a big deal though.

My schedule for races is 3k at 12:30; 1500 at 1:30; and 400 relay at 4:00 on a 200 meter track with flat turns (that is; not banked).

About 11:30 I went outside for a couple miles warm-up.  I learned in track meets you need to 'get ready' for each event quite early.  Go to the registration table, get your 'hip number' and....wait.  Then....wait.  Until you finally called to go on the track for your event.  If you leave the area to loosen up, you are told to 'go back and wait'.  In the end, this means I spent much of the the hour between the 3k and 1500 in 'ready' mode waiting my turn to go back on the track again.

How I went:
  • 3k - I did okay.  I finished in 10:45.  I thought I could do about 10:30.  My first race on a track, and I learned a lot about tactics.  I spent too much time in a group that was SLIGHTLY slower than me, and I should have gone around sooner.  Pass on the straights, not the turns.  Good, hard effort.  Ran in VaporFly as did a couple other guys in the race.
  •  1500 - oofffaaahhh.  I learned that I can't run a 1500 an hour after a 3k.  About 300m in I knew this race would be relegated to a "workout".  I finished in 5:22 (which is about 3k pace from my last race).  I did run in spikes - that was interesting.  Good traction, and solid push-off, etc.  Did they make me any faster?  Dunno.  But, I FEEL like I was faster....
  • 400 relay - for two of my team mates and me, this was our first time holding a baton.  And, we didn't practice at all before the race (even though) we planned to.  So, the hand-offs were safe; as in I stand still on the track and take the baton, then start running.  It was fun, and a good experience.

Overall, I like being on a team and enjoy the overall atmosphere of a 'track meet'.  I never did this in HS, so it's all new to me.

I think I can improve once I learn the feeling and tactics.

Interesting comment:  I asked a more experienced Team mate before my races what I should expect from the other runners as far and pace, etc.  He said "Well, in road races are you toward the front of your AG?  I said "Yes".  He said "Well, image a road race where only the couple Guys at the front of each AG are running".  Got it.

Weekly Mileage:  35
Tuesday Workout:  Fartlek - not really pushing very much.
Long Run:  N/A

  • Monday: 60' Easy w/Strides.  Hip/leg maintenance work.
  • Tuesday: Fartlek.  Straight to shower, no extra strength work.
  • Wednesday: 60' E.  Foam roll/stretch.  Upper body strength.
  • Thursday:  OFF
  • Friday: 50' E w/strides.
  • Saturday: 30' Shakeout
  • Sunday: Track Meet!  About 6 miles total with all the warm-up / cool down.

As of writing this (Tuesday - two days post races), I don't feel too bad.  Kind of like how I feel after a 5k race; maybe a little more tired.  After all, I did "race" 4900 meters; just in smaller and smaller sections as the day wore on.


Monday, January 13, 2020

Training Log: Week Ending Jan. 12th

Hey Runners.

Weekly update - this week is geared toward peaking for a track meet on Jan. 19th.

I plan to run a 3k; 1500 and one leg of a 4x400 relay on Jan. 19th at an indoor track meet, the '2020 USATF South East Region Masters Indoor Track and Field Championship' (a very descriptive name indeed).  My FIRST ever track race, and my first time even seeing a 200m track in person.

So - I've geared this weeks' Workout to faster paces, and replaced Saturday's LR with some time on the track in prep for the meet next weekend.

Wednesday Workout - CV/3k/Mile Paces
We had snow around my house Tuesday night, and I had a workout planned for Wednesday.  To avoid slipping, I did the work on the Treadmill @ 0.5% incline. (Even with the incline I think the TM is a little easier than on the road/track)....
I did a modified Tinman workout:
  • 4 x 4' @ CV (6:11 pace) with 90" jog
  • 3 x 2' @ 3k pace (5:36) with 90" jog
  • 3 x 1' @ mile pace (5:18) with 60" jog
  • 3' jog between each set (jogs at 8:30 pace)
 The workout was manageable.  I didn't feel like I was on the edge or that it was huge effort.

Saturday on the Track:   
Since I will be in a track meet next Sunday, I thought I should at least get on a track once before "The big day".  I did a workout that was a mini-version of the race schedule next weekend.
  • 2 x 1k @ 3k pace in 3:28 avg with 400 jog.  In Next %.  Pretty bouncy, but fun.
    • I did a third rep, but pulled the plug after 400m.  The effort was getting too hard.
    • The intention is not to exhaust myself with only 8 days till races.
  • 4 x 300 @ mile pace in :59 avg with 200 jog in 1:00.  In spikes (first time ever wearing spikes)
    • This felt pretty comfortable, like a could have done a few more without pressing too hard.
  • 2 x 200 @ 400m pace in :35 average.  Also in spikes.  It was fun to run that fast.
    • My hamstrings did NOT like it.  But, just sore.  Fun to really get moving.
 Total mileage of 12.4 for the day including warm-up and cool down.

Weekly Mileage: 51
Workout:  CV / mile paces
Track workout in place of long run.


  • Monday:  Recovery (LR yesterday).  6.2 miles...super easy pace.  Upper Body strength.
  • Tuesday:  Easy + Strides.  7.2 miles.  Hip/core maintenance.
  • Wednesday: CV / 3k / Mile...8 miles with details above.
  • Thursday: Recovery. 5 miles Easy on snowy grass.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Friday: Easy + Strides.  7.5 miles. Hip/core maintenance.
  • Saturday: Track.  3k/mile/400m pace reps. 
  • Sunday: Recovery jog.  4 miles.  Core maintenance.


Monday, January 6, 2020

Weekly Training Log: I Ran A New Year's Day 5k

Hello Runners,

Happy New Decade Everyone!

5k Race

Well - I kicked off the new decade, with a 5k on New Year's Day.  Very low key event in Ashburn, and it was a 'last minute' decision.  I surprised myself by running 18:25; a 16 second PR!  It was a small turnout, I ended running by myself the last 2 miles, and came in 4th overall.  Conditions were good - about 40 degrees, but with about a 10 mph wind.  The first mile was downhill and with the wind; the last mile was uphill and against the wind; my mile splits definitely reflect the difference!

Did I really PR?  I'm going to count the time as official even tho my Garmin says I only ran 3.0 miles.  Other runners Strava data indicates 3.05 or so.  I've been told the course is 'certified', and used for other 5k's throughout the year.  But, if I do find out that the course was short I'll revert back to my old PR until I have another shot at it.  Usually my Garmin/Strava data shows courses as slightly long, so it does seem a little strange....but the race was run by PR (Potomac River) who are a reputable company and administer a lot of races - so I'm counting it! (until otherwise notified).  Also - reviewing the course route, we started and ended in an industrial park between two buildings.  I think that is the section not caught by GPS.

Interesting Side Note:  McMillan Running Calculator, based on today's 5k, puts me within one second of my marathon time 7 weeks ago. The marathon was also slightly hilly and run in very similar weather conditions.  I think I know where to go when planning pacing for other distances....

Long Run:  14 with Eddie and Josh.  Two at Tempo.

Weekly Mileage: 53
Workout: 5k Race (Wednesday)
Long Run:  14, last 2 Tempo (Sunday)

  • Monday: 8.3 Easy around the house, hilly with gravel and dirt.  Hip/core maintenance.
  • Tuesday: 4.3 Shakeout - Easy with some strides.  Roll and stretch.
  • Wednesday: 5k Race in 18:25 + 5.5 warm-up/cooldown.  Roll and stretch.
  • Thursday: 5 miles Recovery.  Upper body strength.
  • Friday: 8 miles Easy.  Hip/core maintenance
  • Saturday: 5 miles Recovery in mud and muck, trying out trail shoes.  Hip/core maintenance.
  • Sunday: 14 with the Boys, last 2 Tempo.  Big hip/leg strength.