Happy New Decade Everyone!
5k Race
Well - I kicked off the new decade, with a 5k on New Year's Day. Very low key event in Ashburn, and it was a 'last minute' decision. I surprised myself by running 18:25; a 16 second PR! It was a small turnout, I ended running by myself the last 2 miles, and came in 4th overall. Conditions were good - about 40 degrees, but with about a 10 mph wind. The first mile was downhill and with the wind; the last mile was uphill and against the wind; my mile splits definitely reflect the difference!
Did I really PR? I'm going to count the time as official even tho my Garmin says I only ran 3.0 miles. Other runners Strava data indicates 3.05 or so. I've been told the course is 'certified', and used for other 5k's throughout the year. But, if I do find out that the course was short I'll revert back to my old PR until I have another shot at it. Usually my Garmin/Strava data shows courses as slightly long, so it does seem a little strange....but the race was run by PR (Potomac River) who are a reputable company and administer a lot of races - so I'm counting it! (until otherwise notified). Also - reviewing the course route, we started and ended in an industrial park between two buildings. I think that is the section not caught by GPS.
Interesting Side Note: McMillan Running Calculator, based on today's 5k, puts me within one second of my marathon time 7 weeks ago. The marathon was also slightly hilly and run in very similar weather conditions. I think I know where to go when planning pacing for other distances....
Long Run: 14 with Eddie and Josh. Two at Tempo.
Weekly Mileage: 53
Workout: 5k Race (Wednesday)
Long Run: 14, last 2 Tempo (Sunday)
- Monday: 8.3 Easy around the house, hilly with gravel and dirt. Hip/core maintenance.
- Tuesday: 4.3 Shakeout - Easy with some strides. Roll and stretch.
- Wednesday: 5k Race in 18:25 + 5.5 warm-up/cooldown. Roll and stretch.
- Thursday: 5 miles Recovery. Upper body strength.
- Friday: 8 miles Easy. Hip/core maintenance
- Saturday: 5 miles Recovery in mud and muck, trying out trail shoes. Hip/core maintenance.
- Sunday: 14 with the Boys, last 2 Tempo. Big hip/leg strength.
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