Monday, April 6, 2020

Weekly Running Log: Week Ending April 5

Hello Runners.

Hope y'all are maintaining sanity while we run alone or with our 'designated house mates' (or whatever that term is).

This week looks a lot like the last two weeks for me, putting in a Workout on Wednesday, LR on Saturday, and Trail Run/Hike on Sunday.  My mileage creeped up above 60, but it wasn't planned and I'm not sure it 'counts' since 8 of those miles were at 11:00 pace with walk breaks on the AT (Appalachian Trail).

I'm holding up okay in the social distancing thing.  I'm starting to see some of the downsides of working from home every day.  I'm getting better at, learning to adopt my communication style - but I'm feeling more and more 'separated' from my Team.  But, this is a running blog - working from home also gives me a lot more flexibility when I run and more time to recover and do all the 'non-running' support stuff; including more sleep!

My overall weekly mileage has been up slightly, but I'm feeling less 'run down'; I think the number one reason is getting enough sleep.  I've also been eating slightly better - I have NO willpower to avoid crap food at the office, especially free crap food!  Being home gets me away from that temptation, so I'm eating (slightly) better.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 61
  • Workout: Daniels' LT.  20' @ 6:18 pace, about my calculated 10 mile race pace.
  • Long Run:  15 mi.  7:15 pace hilly route (1,300 ft. of climbing) on dirt/grave county roads.  
  • Trail Run/Hike: AT from Keys Gap to almost Harper's Ferry (and back).  Quite rocky, forced to hike parts of it.


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