Monday, February 17, 2020

Running Log: Week Ending Feb. 16th

Hello Runners.

Well, this week I'm getting back to a proper training week.  Not recovering or tapering for a race.  I'm feeling a little "undecided" on what paces I should train.  I have a 2k race coming up in a few weeks, but a HM about three weeks after that.  I've decided to focus on the speed during my Tuesday workouts leading up to the 2k, but keep the weekend Long Run relatively long to build the fitness for the Half Marathon.

This week felt pretty good, and I'm also getting back to my full strength routine - that is - lifting weights kind of strength - (I cut back on the strength work 7 days pre/post race; to avoid extra fatigue and/or injury).

Workout Details:
For this weeks' workout, I reversed the order of my pace work. I did the fast pace stuff first, then followed up with slower paces.  I heard a podcast from a notable coach (Jon Marcus) that you should do the fastest stuff first.  This is the opposite of what I've always done; but continuing the spirit of "trying new things" - I tried a new thing.  I definitely performed better on the faster (mile pace) intervals than I normally do - much more comfortable.  My planned 20' at LT I ended up cutting short (stopped at 15').  I could tell I was pushing past what LT should feel like.

Dunno yet if I will try reversing the order in the future.  It definitely felt like a 'proper' workout.  I also did it on the TM in the corporate gym to avoid wet surfaces/rain; so there's that - which does make it easier for me to hit paces - and makes the workout sort of 'artificial'.  This also has the side benefit of co-workers asking why I'm running so damn fast in silly short-shorts.

A "proper" LR this week as well.  Put in 18.5 with the Boys on Sunday.  Hit LT pace a couple times, felt nice.

Surprised to see weekly mileage at 61.  That snuck up on me, but it's only an outcome of the my daily work.  Weekly mileage is never a "objective" in itself.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 61
  • Workout:  5 x 1:00 @ mile pace (5:20) with 1' jog recoveries.  5' jog. 15' at LT (6:20) on TM.
  • Long Run: 18.5 w/2 x 1.5 miles at LT. (About 6:15 pace)
  • Monday: 8 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core strength maintenance. Foam roll/stretch.
  • Tuesday: 8.6 mile Workout.  Mile repeats followed by LT.  Big leg strength work.
  • Wednesday: 10 miles MLR.  Upper body strength. Foam roll/stretch.  Overall pace about 7:30.  Last few miles in the 7:20 range.
  • Thursaday: 5 miles Recovery.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Friday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core strength maintenance.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Saturday: 4 miles super easy.  Couple strides.
  • Sunday: 18.5 with a couple at LT. 

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