Wednesday, August 3, 2016

July 2016 Training Summary

 Taking a "Longer" look at my training, here's a monthly summary for July, 2016:

I learned a few things about running in July.  In no particular order....

  • Running DC in July is....difficult.  It's HOT and it's HUMID.  And, it kinda' sucks until you get used to it (but really, it still sucks when you are used to it)
    • After a few runs (both easy and attempts at harder workouts) I was thinking I'm sick or losing fitness...or I have mono to lyme disease...cause I'm running really slow and it feels really hard.
    • Then, I ran a workout indoors on a treadmill and....everything's fine.
    • So...lesson learned....when it's 90F and 95% humidity...I'm not going to be running as far, and I will be going A LOT slower.
  • Racing a 5k 8 days after racing a half is NOT the best idea.
    • I raced my first HM on June 26, then raced a 5k on July 4 (cause you know, it's 4th of July)
    • First - I hadn't yet learned about the lesson above - so I used my March race (when it was 40 degrees) as my planned pace.
    • Second - it was 8 days after the HM, so my legs felt like dog doodoo.
    • Result - crash and burn in mile 3.
    • So...second lesson learned...IF I ever try to race a 5k a week after a HM in the heat, adjust my planned pace...
    • Will I apply this lesson in the future?  Maybe.  Right now I'm just too competitive to be rational.
  • Running in LA at the beach is easier....(duh)
    • I did spend a week and a half in LA on vacation VERY close to the beach.
    • Ocean breezes and great views make running a LOT easier.
    • Temps were in the mid 70's F and low humidity...nice
    • BUT - when I got back to DC it felt worse than when I left.  Weather acclimation is a REAL thing....

July overall mileage and workouts:

  • I ran 162 miles in July - about 40 miles a week (actually a little less).  I would  like to consistently get to 200 miles a month....that would be roughly 50 / week, which seems like a solid amount of miles that would improve my fitness.
    • I had to take four days in a row off mid-month due to a sinus infection that also had me coughing.
    •  In the first part of the year I had planned to work up to 50 mi a week or so, but so far this year I've only had a few (one week in July was 51).
    • I tend to end up around mid-40's per week, and less on race weeks...
      • This is usually because I cut a long run short every now and then, or don't do my planned extended cool down after my mid-week workout.....
      • But, I'm not injured, maybe this is where I should be?  Dunno.  It's all new territory for me.
  •  My "workout" goals for this month - at least after the race on July 4 - is to get better at HM pacing in prep for a 20k race on August 21.
    • I had some successful workouts at / around 6:45 pace (HM pace) and I'm starting to "feel" it, but it's not quite there yet.
    • I know what 5k "feels" like, I raced a number of 5k's and I don't really need my watch to know how I'm pacing...
    • For HM that's a different story...only raced one.
    • I'm still not sure how HM pace and "Tempo" pace are different - at least how they "feel" different.  I have a tendency to speed up toward a "tempo" effort when I want to be at HM effort....I think.  
    • Something I'll keep working on the next few weeks....(and months and years I suspect).
 As far as improving / moving closer to my 2016 goals....

  1. Don't get injured: GOOD.  (I'm ever vigilant to pay attention to over-training / niggles)
  2. Improve pacing:  NO.  My pacing sucked in the one 5k I ran...
  3. 5k in 18:36:  I ran a 5k, so I guess I can call that practice toward my goal.. but my time was way off at 19:15.
  4. 10k in 39:30:  No 10k's in July.  Did some 10k paced work that would put me under my time goal. when I run one again.

August goals: 
  1. Run a good 20k with even (or close to it) pacing
  2. Have fun
  3. Accept that the heat sucks and will slow me down. 
 Comments?  Suggestions?  Let me know....


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