Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Training Log - Week Ending 1/24/16 - Blizzard!

Week 5 of my 20 week plan to complete a 10k in mid-June.

A Blizzard hit my area this weekend (DC area).  From Friday night to Saturday night we got almost 4' of snow...which is HUGE for the DC area.  I live a little bit out in the country (outskirts of Leesburg, VA), and as I write this post on Sunday at 2:00, my street has 4' of snow on it.  Probably won't get ploughed until tomorrow.  So....since I don't have those giant over-sided snow shoes- (to do actual snow-shoeing)....I did no running Saturday or Sunday.  I think I might not be able to run Monday either.

So....I'm going to chalk up this week as a "cut back" week and adjust my plan going forward.  I'm also going to consider my 8 hours of shoveling snow as "cross training"....

On the positive side, I got in a 20 minute tempo run mid-week and felt good about my effort.  First true tempo workout in this cycle.

Total miles this week:  24.3.

Notes on the workouts this week:
  • Monday has been an "off" day for a few months, so running on Monday this week felt a little "odd".  It was MLK day too, so I was home and could sleep in before heading out for a short 3-miler around the neighborhood.
  •  Cadence difference between treadmill and roads solved - A few weeks ago I noticed that running on the treadmill at 8:00 my cadence was about 180 exactly.  I also noticed that my cadence at the same pace on the road is in the high 180's.  Well, it turns out I was just being LAZY on the treadmill.  Once I focused on my form on the treadmill my cadence picked up to where it is on the road....for whatever reason I have this habit on the treadmill of letting my form "lapse" on the "mill", like it's not a real run or something.  Once I focused on posture, relaxing, and paying attention to my foot landing all fell in line and my feeling of effort went down.  Note to self - "don't be lazy!"
  • "3 Miles At Tempo Pace" - my FIRST real tempo run since my ITB injury a few months ago. A 9 mile run with tempo pace on miles 4-6 (around 6:40/minute).  Had me huffing and puffing toward the end, but it felt good to put  in the effort.  Not sure it was "what I can run for an hour though"..but maybe?
Daily Log Below:

Monday:  3 miles @ 8:20 pace.  Easy day on frozen farm roads (dirt).  Legs a little tired from yesterday's long run.  Hamstrings a little "tight", maybe from Single Leg Deadlifts yesterday.  Dynamic warm-up, stretching after.

Tuesday: 5 miles @ 8:00 + 4 strides + core work on the treadmill  at work.  I went back and forth with 0% and 1% incline.  My HR would go up a few beats with the incline....never tested this before.  Interesting, but I guess it makes perfect sense.  Either way my HR was in the 130's, well in the "fully conversational" area.  And my cadence was in mid 180's as long as I paid attention.

Wednesday:  9 miles; Mile 1-3 @ 8:00 pace, miles 4-6 at 6:40 (Tempo), mile 7-9 around 8:10 pace.   warm-up and cool down.

Friday:  7.3 mi @ 7:55 pace on hilly roads around my house - felt good to get out on some rolling, and larger hills.  Haven't done that in a while.  Practiced downhill running form too.  Dynamic warm-up and cool down.

Saturday:  3 miles - CANCELLED.. BLIZZARD!  SPENT THE DAY SHOVELING.  Core work + ITB rehab + upper body strength.

Sunday:  12 miles- CANCELLED - 4 FEET OF SNOW I CAN'T EVEN WALK IN. Dynamic stretching

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