Today I took down another small chunk of the path, details below. Each run is a first for me, I like the adventure of finding the right spot to catch the path and extend the mile markers I've covered.
Run Summary:
Starting point: Edwards Ferry Boat Ramp at mile market 30.9.
Mile markers covered: 28 - 33 (33 was my last stopping point)...10 mile run (out and back)
Total mile markers covered so far: 28 - 69 (41 miles covered)
Miles remaining: 144 (yikes!))
Temp at start of run: 26..I started early today, around 7:30, just past sunrise.
Closest community: Poolesville, MD...looks like a nice, small, quiet town, on a Sunday morning.
Fun Facts:
- There is no longer a ferry across the river at "Edward's' Ferry", but there is a boat launch.
- This is also the location of Lock 25 (one of those things that raise the boats, like the Panama Canal, but much MUCH smaller scale. I would guess a boat about 12' wide would fit.
- Lockhouse 25 is here, each lock has a "Lockhouse" where the folks that would work the lock lived. Some of the Lock Houses you can stay in overnight, but there was no sign on this one.
- There is also a somewhat preserved store house on the sight.
- During the Civil War, this was a strategic point that Gen. Hooker controlled (at least part of the war)
- Deer (2), which ran along the path in front of me for a while...pretty cool.
- Six team dog sled (I shit you not), Iditarod style except they pulled a chariot on wheels thing instead of a snow sled. I've seen this twice now, both times in the parking lot. Not sure what I would do if I saw that thing heading toward me on the path.....being pulled by six huskies that love to run!
- Other runners: 0
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