Sunday, January 17, 2016

Training Log - Week Ending 1/17/16

Training log for Week 4 of my 20 week plan which will end with a 10k in early May, completing a couple 5k's, and and 8k along the way.

This week's plan is the same as last week, but my execution was not as good.

  • My 2nd week on this plan after being back to work.  I did a little better managing my time to get a little more sleep.  But...5 am alarm still sucks and I'm not sure it will ever become "normal".
  • It's damn cold this week!  But, just like the early alarm I think I'm getting better at preparing for's not new any more...which I think helps. (See separate post on Jan. 13 for details on how I've handled the far).
  • Got a little ITB niggle, and since I had an ITB injury last year that shut me down for a month, I give this my full attention.  So, I cut back a little on my paces to ensure I don't get injured again.  And...after Sunday's long run...all is good.
  • I'm using a training plan from Jason Fitzgerald at Strength Running, which includes ITB rehab routines, dynamic stretching, and other conditioning exercises.  These, along with a smarter running plan will (I hope) keep injuries away.
 Training Log below:

Total Miles:  34.7, (long run 11.4 miles -my longest yet).

Weight:  I weighed in between 140 and 143 this no change in weight since December.

Monday:  off - rolling, dynamic stretching

Tuesday - 4 miles on treadmill @ 8:10 pace + 2 strides @ 0% incline...just can't get myself out in the cold for 4 miles.  Right IT Band didn't feel "right" this morning.  Took it very easy.  Dynamic warm-up and dynamic stretching after + core work.

Wednesday - 9 miles on W&OD trail.  The PLAN - First 5 miles at 8:00 pace.  Last 4 miles "Progression" to 6:35 pace in the last mile...6:35 is about my Tempo pace.  Well....that didn't happen today.
I was never able to get the pace under 6:45 in the Progression part of the workout without A LOT of effort, which felt harder than I didn't push any harder.
I realized (after the fact), that I had run the first 5 mile too fast....closer to 7:40 pace than 8:00, and I think that took some of the oomph out of my legs and kept me from finishing stronger.  So...FAIL, but lesson learned.
Dynamic stretching warm-up and cool down

Thursday - ITB rehab routine without Pistol Squat or Single Leg Deadlift - making sure ITB completely settles down.  Upper body strength.

Friday - 7 miles on W&OD @ 8:05 pace.  Slowed down on pace a little today.  Again to make sure ITB doesn't flare up.  Pace felt easy and no issues.  Dynamic warm-up.

Saturday - 3.3 miles @ 8:20 pace + 2 hill sprints + 2 strides.  Dynamic warm-up and cool down + hip flexibility + core workout.  Slower pace...not feeling it today.  EASY day anyway.

Sunday - 11.4 miles @ 7:24 pace on C&O Canal Towpath (separate post later today).  Slowed the pace down some this week for the Long Run (last week's pace was 7:15).  After not hitting my paces on Wednesday's run and ITB niggle earlier this week I'm not pushing it.  Dynamic warm-up, and cool down, hip mobility, ITB rehab routine with Pistol Squats and Single Leg Deadlift, upper body strength.

Next week my training plan adds a run on Monday, so I'll be running 6 days a week - my first time doing that......

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