Monday, February 24, 2020

Runnin Log Week Endin: Feb. 23

Hello Runners.

Another "normal" training week, and that's great.

I moved my Tuesday workout to Wednesday (since my LR last week was Sunday instead of Saturday).  Overall mileage in the mid 50's; so nothing special there either.

I did add some plyometrics work on Thursday, after a Recovery Run.  I did 'Depth Jumps'; just one set of 8, and then two-leg hops in a square pattern; in the continued spirit of trying new things.  I don't know if plyos are best after an Easy run or workout.  I heard they are better when my legs are not as tired, so I tried it after the Recovery day.  Nothing special to report, except my jumping ability is pretty bad.  After watching a few YouTube videos, and then seeing my height in the gym mirror - I'm not getting much height at all.  But, maybe that's why I should be doing them(?)

On a side note; I ran all 7 days again this week.  Up until a few weeks ago, I ran 6 days a week at most.  I started doing 7 days when some friends wanted to switch the Saturday LR for Sunday.  Really, the only change is going from a 'walk' on the 7th day to a Recovery run of 4-5 miles.  So far, so good.  Haven't noticed any niggles, etc.

Wednesday's Workout:
5 x 1:00 at mile pace with 1' Easy; 10 minute jog; then 4 x 4' at CV with 1:30 Easy.  I did the workout on the road; at my mile pace this works out to about 300m per rep.  So, roughly 1500 meters of mile pace work.  And - I did the faster mile work before the CV reps for the second time in a row.  This time, I did a longer jog between and that seemed to help with the CV pace work.  (For those that don't know - CV pace stands for Critical Velocity - and is a Tinman thing - it's really around 10k pace for someone with my ability).  I'm focusing on the mile pace work, since I have an indoor track 2k race on Feb. 29th.

Long Run:
Saturday was my first Long Run with my Team; Athletics East (AE).  AE is a 'Master's Track Team' in the DC area.  It was fun to see the guys (yes, all Guys right now) and have a nice run.  Ended up with 15 miles; 2 x 2 miles at HMP. (6:25 - 6:30 / mile pace).  It was nice having a couple guys with me on the fast sections - usually a group Long Run breaks up on the fast sections, then re-gather for the Easy potion.  Having a couple guys right there at 6:30 pace was fun.

  • Weekly mileage: 56
  • Workout: mile reps followed by CV reps.
  • LR:  15 w/ 2 x 2 @ HMP

  • Monday:  6 miles Recovery (LR on Sunday).  Extra foam rolling/mobility.
  • Tuesday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.   Hip/core maintenance work.
  • Wednesday: 9.5 mile Workout:  Mile reps/CV reps.  Big leg strength work.
  • Thursday: 5.5 miles Recovery.  Upper body strength.  Foam role/mobility.
  • Friday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.   Hip/core maintenance work.
  • Saturday: 15 miles with Team.  4@HMP
  • Sunday:  4 miles Recovery.  Extra foam rolling/mobility. 

Bonus:  I just found out I will be able to run the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC!  A team mate of mine got in, but can't run.  So, I got the 'bib transfer'.  Nice!


Monday, February 17, 2020

Running Log: Week Ending Feb. 16th

Hello Runners.

Well, this week I'm getting back to a proper training week.  Not recovering or tapering for a race.  I'm feeling a little "undecided" on what paces I should train.  I have a 2k race coming up in a few weeks, but a HM about three weeks after that.  I've decided to focus on the speed during my Tuesday workouts leading up to the 2k, but keep the weekend Long Run relatively long to build the fitness for the Half Marathon.

This week felt pretty good, and I'm also getting back to my full strength routine - that is - lifting weights kind of strength - (I cut back on the strength work 7 days pre/post race; to avoid extra fatigue and/or injury).

Workout Details:
For this weeks' workout, I reversed the order of my pace work. I did the fast pace stuff first, then followed up with slower paces.  I heard a podcast from a notable coach (Jon Marcus) that you should do the fastest stuff first.  This is the opposite of what I've always done; but continuing the spirit of "trying new things" - I tried a new thing.  I definitely performed better on the faster (mile pace) intervals than I normally do - much more comfortable.  My planned 20' at LT I ended up cutting short (stopped at 15').  I could tell I was pushing past what LT should feel like.

Dunno yet if I will try reversing the order in the future.  It definitely felt like a 'proper' workout.  I also did it on the TM in the corporate gym to avoid wet surfaces/rain; so there's that - which does make it easier for me to hit paces - and makes the workout sort of 'artificial'.  This also has the side benefit of co-workers asking why I'm running so damn fast in silly short-shorts.

A "proper" LR this week as well.  Put in 18.5 with the Boys on Sunday.  Hit LT pace a couple times, felt nice.

Surprised to see weekly mileage at 61.  That snuck up on me, but it's only an outcome of the my daily work.  Weekly mileage is never a "objective" in itself.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 61
  • Workout:  5 x 1:00 @ mile pace (5:20) with 1' jog recoveries.  5' jog. 15' at LT (6:20) on TM.
  • Long Run: 18.5 w/2 x 1.5 miles at LT. (About 6:15 pace)
  • Monday: 8 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core strength maintenance. Foam roll/stretch.
  • Tuesday: 8.6 mile Workout.  Mile repeats followed by LT.  Big leg strength work.
  • Wednesday: 10 miles MLR.  Upper body strength. Foam roll/stretch.  Overall pace about 7:30.  Last few miles in the 7:20 range.
  • Thursaday: 5 miles Recovery.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Friday: 7.5 miles Easy with Strides.  Hip/core strength maintenance.  Foam roll/stretch.
  • Saturday: 4 miles super easy.  Couple strides.
  • Sunday: 18.5 with a couple at LT. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Training Log: Week Ending Feb. 9th

Hello Runners.

Whew! I've been racing a lot lately.  5k on Jan. 1st; 3k and 1500 in Jan. 19th; 10k on Feb. 2nd.

Not sure how many folks out there are like me, but I enjoy training; I like a good training week.  I'm looking forward to a few weeks where I can get the training mojo going (my next race is Feb. 29th; a 2k on an indoor track).

Since I raced a 10k on Sunday last week, I didn't plan a proper workout during the week, to make sure I recover before going hard again.  I did surprise myself a little during my planned MLR (medium-long run) on Wednesday.  I was feeling pretty good, and started to slightly increase the pace, but not go too hard.  Turns out I ran the last 8 miles of the MLR at 7:00 pace with the last two miles at 6:55 and 6:43; never feeling like I was pushing at all.  7:00 pace is only 10 seconds slower than my MP in November, I haven't tried any runs around MP since then, it was a nice reminder that I still have that gear, and feels pretty comfortable.

The Long Run this week didn't include any faster paces.  Went 16 miles on a slightly hilly course in about 7:40 pace.  That's my longest run since the marathon, and it went pretty well.  Stayed conversational the whole time (Literally - I ran with a friend and we talked the whole time).  Really makes time fly by.

Weekly Summary:
  • Mileage: 56
  • Workout:  N/A (but did speed up some on Wednesday's MLR)
  • Long Run: 16 miles about 7:40 pace.

  • Monday:  6.5 miles Recovery.  Lotsa foam rolling / stretching.
  • Tuesday: 7.7 miles Easy.  Hip / core maintenance work.
  • Wednesday: 10 mile MLR (last 8 at 7:00 pace)
  • Thursday: 6 miles Recovery
  • Friday: 8 miles Easy with strides.  Hip / core maintenance work.
  • Saturday: 16 mile LR.
  • Sunday: 4 miles Recovery 


Monday, February 3, 2020

Training Log Update: I Ran A 10k

Hello Runners.

10k Race

In keeping with my theme of trying new things in 2020; I ran a 10k yesterday.  On a course I've run before, and distance a run a number of times.  So - what's different about this 10k?  Well, I decided on Thursday - three days prior - to run it.  A team mate of my mine was running the race and I decided to join, with an extended cool down to replace the LR miles I now wouldn't so on Saturday.

Usually for every race I run, even the local low low-key races, I plan ahead and work out my schedule for two weeks prior to the race.  Because EVERY race was an event, something to really be prepared for, and always do my best. 

The course I ran is pretty hilly, and not set up for fast times; but we had pretty good weather.  Except for not running my LR the day before, I did no taper or any other planning.  My last workout was on Wednesday.

So - how did the race go?  Well - pretty much how I think it would have gone had I planned for it two weeks ahead of time.  I ran 38:45; which for me is pretty good on the course.  My plan was to go out at 6:10 pace and see what happens.  What happened was I died on mile 5, then had a nice recovery on the last 1.2 to end up about 15 seconds slower than I was hoping for.

Do I think building up for "big races" and planning ahead is useful?  Yes, of course; especially for longer races.  But, for me I now feel some freedom that I can "jump into" local 5k/10k and not have to worry about having to be carted off because my taper wasn't great.

New experience.  Check.

Another new experience - I just signed up to ran a 2k at a local HS indoor track in a few weeks.  Why 2k; because I've never run one before or been on a 'banked indoor track'.  What the hell, let's see what happens!

Two weeks' worth of training below:

Week ending Jan. 26th

Mileage: 57 miles.
Workout:  N/A. Since I ran a 3k and 1500 last Sunday.
Long Run:  14 with 2/2mi at HM effort.  1 mile Easy between. (6:21 avg.  A lot of it downhill)
Comment:  Adding more hamstring strength work.  I think the hammies are an issue when trying to run faster / maintain a fast pace.  They seem to "go first" when something's going to start bothering me.

Week ending Feb. 2nd

Mileage: 49
Workout: CV and 3k Reps on Wednesday.
Long Run: NA
Race: 38:45 10k on Sunday  (12 miles total for the day with Warm Up and Cool Down).

This week I'll get the mileage back up some and skip the mid-week workout to recover from the 10k.  I'll add in some harder effort on the weekend long run.
