Monday, August 21, 2017

Breaking3ProjectPhilly - Week 5 (Yeah...I'm An Idiot)

Hello Readers.

Going into this week my right "Gluteus Medius" still hurt, but not bad.  I moved last weekend's normal Saturday LR back a day to Sunday.  So, I adjusted this week's workout back a day too, to give enough recovery.

My regimen for keeping the "glute" in check is foam rolling and using a baseball to "hit the spot" every day, Aleve, and "Badger Sore Muscle Rub" which puts some heat on it.  I really feel like an "Old mand with this Gen Gay" using this stuff, but it actually works (for a few hours at least).  I don't like relying on Aleve or the rub, but hopefully I don't need it too long.

Tuesday Workout - "9 with 4 @ tempo" actually went pretty well, considering hip issues mentioned above.  The tempo miles were 6:43 (uphill), 6:27/6:19/6:21 (last down slight down hill).  Funny, my hip hurt LESS when running faster.  Also noted that if I work on my form and really try to stand tall, it hurts less...

Wednesday - Friday: No running to let my hip "calm down", not overdo it.

Saturday's easy run felt pretty good, so.....

I raced the Leesburg 20k on Sunday.  Doing pretty well thru 5 miles at around 6:30 pace, and then just after mile 6 SHARP pain in my hip and I have to STOP and stand for a few minutes, when walk all the way back to the start/finish.  Really sucked since I had to watch all the folks behind me pass by....over an hour of walking....

So, yeah - I'm an idiot.  Shoulda' known not to try and race when I'm not 100%.  So, now I'm back to square one.  I plan not to run next week.  The week after that is a cross country road trip to drop my Son off at I will probably not run that week either.

Hopefully two weeks off with daily work to strengthen the "Gluteus Medius" will do it.

Writing this on Monday...because really I was too depressed to do it yesterday. 


Weekly Mileage: 23
Long Run:  N/A
Weight:  ?

Every run: Leg swings / Lunge matrix before and foam rolling / dynamic stretching after.
  • Monday:  2 miles easy.
  •  Tuesday: 9 mi with 4 @ tempo.  Pace consistent with prior tempo run.  Avg. 6:28 pace...about right.  Hip holding up, but not 100%.  Strength work.  Extra rolling, digging, on hip.  Goblet squats with KB / pull ups / dumb bell bench press. 
  • Wednesday:OFF
  • Thursday:OFF
  • Friday: OFF
  • Saturday: 5.5  + strides. 
  • Sunday: Leesburg 20k (well 6 miles of 5 mile walk)



  1. Sorry to hear about your injury issues, Scott. Left calf and right glute sounds very familiar, except in my case the glute injury (glute max for me) came first. (Calf was this past Spring, glute last year). A tight lower back also seems related in my case. Hang in there!

    1. Thx Michael. Yeah...I do also have a tight lower back. Been doing a lot of stretching and strength work to get the glute / low back / hip strong. Three days off so far, feels like three weeks!

  2. I was at Leesburg but I didn't see you. So sorry to hear this happened and I hope that it's starting to feel better. I can imagine it was pretty tough having to walk all the way back to the start. I think taking a week off is a smart move, and I hope that you're back to 100% soon.

  3. Hey Elizabeth. Sorry I missed you in Leesburg (my first DNF - so maybe it's good thing we didn't say "Hi", I was in a pretty bad mood!). Congrats on your AG win, and thanks for the encouragement!
