Sunday, December 25, 2016

MERRY XMAS! Training Log - Week Ending Dec. 25

Merry XMAS Fellow Runners!  I hope Santa brought you EVERYTHING you wanted and more than you could hope for.  For those of you running today...make sure to wear ALL your new gear at the same time...even if that means 4 layers too many (Joey from Friends style).

This week started out a little slow.  Turns our my 16 mi run last last week (on Saturday) in Yak Trax was a little too fast, and I will wasn't recovered on Monday.  I have never worn Yak Trax before, so I didn't realize how much harder it is - and that I should slow down some.  Lesson learned.  But, by Tuesday I was feeling better for my "workout".

I'm on vacation this week, and kicking around the house with my family, so I've been able to sleep ni some start my runs in day light.  I also did my longer runs on the CandO tow path, a short drive from my house.  I like the path, it's great surroundings, away from traffic, NO road crossings, and quiet (except when the trains go by).  Plus, all dirt...good for my old legs.

Tuesday's Workout - 5 x (8' on / 3' steady) + wu and cd.  I ran the 8' "on" portions between 6:30 - 6:35 pace.  The "steady" portion started out around 7:05, but the last couple were closer to 7:20 pace.  I have trouble with this workout because I'm never quite sure how fast I can go in the first couple reps and then keep that pace for the last two.  My last rep was at 6:31 pace, so I got it about right...but I did have to slow down the "steady" recovery run somewhat.  Ended up with a little over 10 miles.  Good run.

Wednesday, since I had more time than when I'm working I went back up the path and put in another 10 miles easy.  Nice day.

Saturday Long Run -  My assignment was 16 miles (like last week), but speed up the last 3 miles if I'm up to it.  I ended up running 17.5 mi because I didn't start my watch when I started running, and then did the math wrong.  Oh well. I was able to speed up on what ended up being miles 15-17.  I feel good that I was able to run those miles in 6:45-6:52 pace.

Weekly Miles:  56 (+ 3 mi power walk)
Long Run: 17.5
Weight: ? (It's XMAS...who cares?)

Daily Workouts:
  • Monday:  55 minutes easy including strides toward the end.  6.8 mi / 8:10 pace or so.  Rolling and stretching.  Legs still tired and sore from overdoing it in last Saturdays long run.
  • Tuesday:  72 minute run.  10' wu; 5 x (8' "on" / 3' steady); 10' cd.  Decent job controlling my paces.  6:30 - 5:35 pace during the "on" portion, 7:05 - 7:20 pace on "steady" portions.  Did pretty good keeping the same "on" pace for all 5 reps.  Hip mobility.  Ran on C&O.  10.2 mi.
  • Wednesday:  80' easy on C&O.  Legs tired from yesterday, but not bad.  10.1 mi.  rolling and stretching.
  • Thursday:  4.7  miles recovery /easy on roads around the house.  Legs still feeling a little heavy from two consecutive longer workouts.  Wimped out using treadmill.  COLD outside today.  Rolling and stretching.
  • Friday:  55 min easy including strides on hilly country roads.  7.1 mi.
  • Saturday:  17.5 mi on WOD in the rain.  Sped up for miles 15-17 to about MP.  Overall pace at 7:23.  Upper body strength.  Hip strength.  Rolling and stretching.
  • Sunday:  brisk walk of about 3 miles.  Hip mobility.  Upper body strength.  Rolling and stretching. 
Happy Holidays and Safe New Year everyone!

    Sunday, December 18, 2016

    Training Log - Week Ending December 18

    Hello Fellow Runners.

    As I start to get into the marathon build up, the Long Runs are starting to actually get, well - Long.  This week is 16 miles.  I've run this distance a few times in my last half marathon build up, so I pretty much knew what to expect.  The Long Run has become the day I look forward to the most.  As I work thru this training cycle for my first marathon, I'm really trying to embrace the Long Run physically and emotionally.  In a few weeks I'll be in all new territory, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.

    Yak Trax - Having said that, we got quite a bit of ice on Friday night before my long run Saturday morning.  Luckily I just received my Yak Trax a few days earlier, so off  I went to the C&O towpath, a hard packed dirt path that isnow covered in a thin layer of crunchy ice.  The Trax worked quite well with traction, I never slipped.  But, they are heavier (of course) than running without them.  About 8 miles in I started to feel my hamstrings get a little tight and it felt like I was constantly going slightly uphill.   I adjusted my pace based on feel and ended up about 15 seconds / mile slower than last week's 14 mile run.  I was pretty wiped out after the run.  It felt pretty hard- probably too hard .  But I got it done.

    I've been using UCAN before my long runs with good success.  I've been using it on any run more than 90 minutes for a few months now, and it really seems to work.  I HATE the taste of it.  But, that's temporary - and it is works, I'll use it.  Ran about two hrs this week and all is well.

    Tuesday's workout was challenging from a "control" point of view.  And, that is how it is supposed to be.  The idea is to gradually pick up the pace, like a "progression" run, but not overdo it, so I can get to the end and NOT blow up half way through.  Jay Johnson's workout is:  20' steady, 15' faster, 10' faster, 5' fast but controlled.  No planned pace, but progressively get faster.....I almost got it right, but not quite.  I able to speed up for each step but had a "lull" during the 15' segment.  This kind of workout requires to learn how to "feel" the pace which was the point.

    Weekly Miles:  54 (+ 3 mi power walk)
    Long Run: 16
    Weight: 139

    Daily Workouts:
    • Monday:  57 minutes easy including strides toward the end.  7.4 mi / 7:45 pace.  Core work.  Hip mobility stuff.  Rolling and stretching.
    • Tuesday:  70 minute run.  10' wu; 20' steady; 15' faster; 10' faster; 5' fast but controlled; 10' cd.  Decent job controlling my paces.  I started around 6:55-7:00 pace during the "steady" portion, and ended up about 6:20 pace at the end of the progression.  Hip strength work.  Upper body strength.  Rolling and stretching.
    • Wednesday:  71' min easy on WOD.  Legs tired from yesterday, but not bad.  9.2 mi / 7:40 pace.  Hip mobility work.  Rolling and stretching.
    • Thursday:  4 miles recovery / easy on treadmill.  Legs still feeling a little heavy from two consecutive longer workouts.  Wimped out using treadmill.  COLD outside today.  Rolling and stretching.
    • Friday:  55 min easy including strides
    • Saturday:  16 mi on an icy C&O tow path in Yak Trax.  Avg about 7:30 / mile.  Ended up being quite a hard workout that wore me out pretty good.  I probably ran a little too hard in the Trax.    
    • Sunday:  brisk walk of about 3 miles.  Hip mobility and hip strength work.  Upper body strength.  Rolling and stretching. 
    I have two weeks off work for the Holidays.  Looking forward to catching up on rest and time with my family.......

    Sunday, December 11, 2016

    Training Log - Week Ending December 11

    Greetings fellow runners!

    My spirits are higher this week, as I think I've finally gotten over a few nagging injuries.

    I've had sort of a calf muscle strain in my left leg, and because I'm stubborn and stupid I kept running on it.  And....then my right knee started acting up - because (I think) I was favoring my right leg to take pressure off my left calf.  For a few weeks I've been going to the chiro where I've gotten "deep tissue massage", "ART", "STIM", and finally "DRY NEEDLING" to get my calf in shape.  Only thing left this week was to get my right knee calmed down.  This week I had a couple treatments of ART on my right quad, and the fact that my calf is better has helped the knee.

    Whew.  Having said all that - I feel like I'm back on the path to a successful (and first) marathon in March. Fingers crossed -

    This week I also got a "foot pod" for my Garmin.  It's been calibrated, so now I can run on the treadmill and have something accurate the download.  All these little toys help keep me motivated...

    This week, the workouts are a 4' "on", 1' "steady" by 9 workout on Tuesday, and a 14 mile long run on Saturday - with a "faster" portion on miles 10-13.  Both workouts made me tired, but the "good" kind of tired you get when you're healthy, not the "oh crap" kind of pain when I'm not.

    Weekly Mileage:  51
    Long  Run: 14
    Weight: 141

    Dailies - Workouts bolded.
    • Monday:  55' easy w/ strides on WOD in Herndon.  7 mi (7:55 pace).  Hip mobility / strength and core work.  Chiro.
    • Tuesday:  10' wu; 4' on; 1' steady by 9; 10' cd.  ITB rehab work, upper body strength, single leg squats and dead lifts.  Rolling / stretching.
    • Wednesday:  70' easy on WOD. 9 mi. 
    • Thursday:  40' easy.  Recovery type run on treadmill.  5 mi.  Hip mobility / rolling / stretching.
    • Friday:  55' easy with strides.  6.9 mi (7:50 pace).  Core work.  Rolling and dynamic stretching.  Legs feeling pretty good.  Chiro.
    • Saturday: 14 mi on CandO.  Speed up on miles 11-13.   Good run.  Overall pace was 7:17, and I was able to pretty comfortably hold 7:00 pace for mi 11-13.  Feel like I'm getting back in shape.   ITB work.  Single leg squat and dead lift.  Rolling and dynamic stretching.
    • Sunday:  brisk walk with my wife.  2 mi around hood.
    Here's to hoping I stay injury free.....

    Good luck to everyone taking their last shot at a PR / 2016 Goal race as the year winds down.

    Sunday, December 4, 2016

    Training Log - Week Ending Dec. 4. (And Dry Needling)

    Well, I've had some starts and stops to my marathon training with some minor injuries.

    This week seems to be better.  After scratching my long run last week and icing my right knee (PLPS), and getting some "dry needling" on my left calf I'm starting to feel better and able to get back to it

    Tuesday I did Yasso 800's for the first time ever.  I've added them to my marathon build up per the Jay Johnson Simple Marathon Training plan.  Did them on the treadmill set at 1% incline.  Each rep was about 2:57-2:58.  Per the plan, I did 8 reps this week.

    About "dry needling" - never had it done before.  It was the next option after my stubborn left calf muscle "strain" didn't respond to deep tissue massage or ART.  Had it done on Thursday, and it worked really well.  I was feeling a lot better the next day, and my calf didn't hurt (almost) at all on my 13 mi. long run on Saturday.  Had some ART on my right quad to help out the pain behind my knee cap.  We'll see how much it helped.  Don't know yet, as I only went for a walk on Sunday.  First test will be Monday...

    First week running with my new Garmin 920XT! - always helps to have a new toy to keep me motivated!  I like it - lotsa options for screen displays and Garmin Connect is pretty cool.  My wife likes the 'Live Tracking' - unfortunately this means I need to carry my phone with me on runs, which I don't normally like to do.  Also got the "foot pod", so once I get that calibrated I can download treadmill

    Weekly Mileage:  46
    Long  Run: 13

    Dailies - Workouts bolded.
    • Monday:  45' easy on the treadmill to test out my right knee.  Actually didn't have any discomfort.  Changed shoes just in case.  4.7 mi (7:55/mi).  Hip mobility, stretching and rolling.
    • Tuesday:  Yasso 800's x 8 (part of Jay Johnson Simple Marathon Training) plan.  Ran these in 2:57-2:58 for all 8 reps on a treadmill @ 1% incline.  Pretty happy with the effort, haven't worked that hard in a while.  9 mi; 1:08 overall with wu and cd.  ITB rehab work / single leg squats and deadlifts / upper body strength work / rolling and stretching.
    • Wednesday:  65'  35' easy.  Cut today's run short.  Legs a little tired from yesterday's workout, and my right knee started acting up again, so I didn't want to push it.  Hip mobility / rolling / stretching.
    • Thursday:  40' easy on treadmill.  5 mi (8:00 pace).  Hip mobility, rolling and stretching.  Knee feels slightly better.  Dry needling at chiro.
    • Friday:  55' easy with strides.  7.2 mi (7:50).  Core work.  Knee feeling a lot better!
    • Saturday: 13 mi on WOD, a couple miles around 7:00 pace.  Overall 7:25 pace.  ITB rehab,  upper body strength.  Single leg squats.  Knee holding up.  ART at chiro. 
    • Sunday:  brisk walk with my wife.  2 mi around hood.
    Here's to hoping for continued injury recovery......