Monday, November 28, 2016

Training Log - Week Ending Nov. 27

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving everyone!  It's been a few days since Turkey Day....if you're like me you've had turkey in some form or another the last four days....

(Technical note....not sure what I did, but my last couple posts have had some crazy spacing between paragraphs...I have NO idea why.  But, there it is).

So, this week I've started to really get going on my marathon training plan.  My resources to create my plan are:

  • Hanson Marathon Method (book)
  • Pfitzinger - Advanced Marathoning (book)
  • Jay Johnson - Simple Marathon Training Plan (book)
  • Jason Fitzgerald - Strength Running ("Standard" plan he puts out for members of his "team")
I've taken pieces from each of these plans, along with what I've learned about myself and my injury history to create my own plan.  One that I can BELIEVE in, which I think is one of the most important parts of any plan.  I've decided to lean a little more on Jay Johnson's plan.  And, of course....I have no idea how well any of these plans would work for anyone else, but they are all pretty popular.  I only know what does and doesn't work for me.

For example, I know I can't put in more than two hard runs in one week without eventually being hurt and / or not recovering enough.  I also know I can't run on the track every week.  I can put in track intervals every now and then, but NOT every week, possibly every second or third week.  I also "think" I'm better (relatively speaking), and longer tempo / threshold work.  I also "think" I get more adaptation out of those types of workouts.

I've decided, based on my last HM race of 1:25:40 (1:25:20 for 13.1 mi), my "goal" marathon time is 2:59:59 (for obvious reasons).  Most "calculators" put me are around 3 I think I can do it.

I've also continued with the chiro visits for my left calf / Achilles this week.  Because of Thanksgiving, my visits were Monday / Tuesday.  My calf and Achilles is feeling a lot better, so I'm happy with the results I'm getting.  Especially because I can continue to run and gain some fitness while I'm getting treatment.

BUT...then on Thursday / Friday I started getting a sharp pain behind my right knee cap.  F*CK.  I think it's PFPS (patellofemoral pain syndrome).  My guess is either #1 - my left calf caused me to change my gait and put more pressure on my right leg, or a "different" kind of pressure.  Or, #2 my new shoes NB Zante Pace are different in some way that caused it.  I'm going with #1 as most likely.  So, I scrapped my Satuday long run, KT taped it, and elevated / iced it all weekend.  I'll have to see how it goes next week.

I did receive my Garmin 920XT on Saturday.  So, I was able to distract myself some by playing with that and getting it set up so it's ready when I try to run again next week.  I already like the features better than the TomTom I had that crapped out on Wednesday.

Weekly mileage:  47  35
Long Run:  12  N/A - knee
Weight:  ?

Daily work: (hard days bolded)

Monday - 55 min easy incl. strides on WOD in Herndon.  7 mi (7:55 pace).  Core work.  CHIRO

Tuesday - 8 mi with 4 @ "steady" (7:00 pace).  CHIRO on WOD.  Windy and cold.  Feeling pretty good about the effort.  Didn't feel "too hard".  Upper body strength work.  Single leg dead lifts and squats.

Wednesday - 40 min easy.  5 mi on dirt roads around my house.  Dynamic stretching and rolling.

Thursday - 70 min easy on candO.  9 mi.  Great day.  Hip mobility.


Saturday - 11-12 miles on CandO    SCRATCHED LONG RUN.  KNEE.
Sunday - Icing and elevating knee.  Aleve is my best friend.

Hope my knee starts to feel better next week. I only had two runs where it was bothering me, so I hope it heals quickly.

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