Monday, May 21, 2018

Running Log - "Calf Sleeves" Any Good?

Hello again fellow runners.

Well, this week was my "planned" cut-back week on mileage and intensity.  I think it was a good idea.  As I build my mileage back up to what it was last year "pre-injury" I'm being super vigilant about how I'm feeling.

So, for a cut-back week - I run 5 days instead of 6; no workout, and no long run.  The last 3 weeks have been around 40 mpw.  This week totaled 28.

On the injury front - another reason this was a good week for cutting back - I've developed a "tightness" in my right calf (outside of calf, 4" down from the back of my knee joint).  Left calf is also sensitive, but not nearly as bad.  I can still run without much discomfort, but it's still "there".

I think part of this is due to ramping my mileage / intensity up too fast and / or my new(er) running posture.  I've found that with my new posture (feet landing more underneath me, more upright torso) that I'm using more calves/glutes and less quads/hamstrings.  I think the new posture overall is better, I just need to build up the strength / stamina.

I've been doing trigger point / rolling / stretching twice a day on the calf and it's starting to calm down.

Question to anyone reading this:  Have you ever tried calf sleeves or compression socks while running?  Did it help with the calf strain I've noted above? I'm thinking about getting a pair, but any feedback would be great.

Overall, the week went well and it ended with me feeling refreshed and ready to get at again next week.

Mileage:  28
Workout:  N/A
Long Run: N/A (longest run was 7.5 miles on Saturday)
Weight:  Dunno

 Carry on fellow Runners.  Carry on.

1 comment:

  1. Good progress. I have worn those compression socks while running. I don't think they actually help, but mentally it feels compressed, so it works from that standpoint. My sports doctor said the same thing- no proven benefit of them, but we "feel" more secure.
