Well....back to work this week (boo), "most" of the relatives gone (yay!).
This week's training was kinda funky - I'm racing next Monday (Memorial Day), so I'm adjusting my taper days differently than I have in the past. I'm also not sure if /how to taper for a mile race (I'm guessing yes, I should taper - but with fewer days than normal....just sounds right).
I did one proper mile workout on Saturday last week (9 days before the race), and an "I dunno, I'll just run really fast" workout earlier in the week last week. This week, I've done an abbreviated mile workout on Wednesday on the road (5 days before the race), which went better than last week since I'm starting to get a "feel" for "mile pace" - which actually doesn't feel that much different than 5k pace (I guess that says I really don't know what mile pace feels like...), progress....
Wednesday's Workout
Wednesday's workout included 6 x 1' @ "mile pace effort" with 1' rest. Since I was on the roads, I went by how the pace felt when I did the timed workout on the track. (on the track the "on" minute was 300m / the recovery minute was 200m). I've improved a lot since last time I tried "mile pace effort" - I think I'm much closer to what I can actually do for a mile (last week I went out WAY too fast, and crashed pretty good). Learning....
Taper Strategy
Not a lot of information on how to taper for a mile on the internet. I did find a local blogger with good information which is really helpful. I decided to base my taper on what I'd do for a 5k - taking the 2nd day before the race off, and short "shake out" run the day before with (really fast) 20-30 second strides to get the legs moving. If I was running a 5k I would have cut back more on the 3rd day before the race. I changed this, and ran a little longer than I would for an upcoming 5k, figuring I won't need as much rest for a mile race.
Race Tomorrow: Total "mile workouts" is one track day and two "road sessions" - all with 1' @ mile pace, with 1' recovery....basically a bunch of 300m repeats at mile pace with equal amount of recovery time jogging. Don't really feel "ready" for a mile effort at the "mile pace" I've set for myself. Ran a 10k a few weeks ago...so I think the "threshold work" has been taken care of. We'll see how it goes. New kinda' challenge.
Side note: Last Fall in my marathon build up I got a "strain" on the outside of my left calf. I figured it was due to the higher mileage, and PT visits solved it. For the marathon build up, I was running my long runs and faster workouts in NB1500's. I also ran the race in them. Since then, I've changed out to different shoes for my faster workouts, and the calf problem has not come back - I figured the lower volume and the extra rolling / stretching I was doing was the cure. On Tuesday this week, I grabbed my 1500's for a easy run since my "normal" easy run shoes were still wet from a prior run. And....the calf thing started to come back. So....as Spike Lee would say "It's the shoes" (oh, and these are newer shoes, they aren't worn out). Just a word to say consider these things if/when you have injuries. Ordered some Hokas...'cause.
Double side note: I did some kettle bell swings this week during my "strength" workout on Wednesday. I normally do single-leg dead lifts and squats, goblet squats,dips and pull-ups, along with running specific hip strength stuff (see myrtle routine). I tried some kettle bell swings at the end of the workout to see how it feels. Kinda like it, I'll probably add this to the workout...maybe a few more kettle bell moves....as well. Any running specific suggestions?
Triple side note: Worked from home Thursday and Friday (nice!). Didn't schedule enough time after my Thursday easy run to do my usual cool down with leg swings / foam roller / dynamic stretching stuff. I figured - it was an easy day - I can skip it and be fine. I figured wrong - I got stiff and sore and it took longer an usual on Friday to get moving comfortably. So...confirmation...this stuff matters (at least for me)
Weekly Mileage: 40
Long Run: N/A
Weight: ?
Daily Work:
- Monday: 8 miles on WOD. Pace around 7:45...feeling pretty good. Core work. Rolling and stretching.
- Tuesday: 60' E on WOD w/strides. Hip mobility stuff. Roll and stretch. Legs feeling a little "heavy"
- Wednesday: 7.3 miles with 6 x 1' @ mile effort pace, with 1' jog recovery. Much better pacing. Strength work.
- Thursday: 5 miles easy / recovery. roll and stretch.
- Friday: 7.2 mi winery tour around the house. Kept the miles easy - few strides. roll and stretch.
- Saturday: 2.5 mile recovery walk around the hood..
- Sunday: 4.2 mi. with 4 x :30 strides at close to max (warp) speed. Rolling and stretching.
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