Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Long Overdue Update

It’s been a LONG time since I’ve posted here.  I’ve had a number of injuries that kept coming back, and I haven't been able to get a consistent training block for a couple years.

Finally in April I figured out (I think) pre and post run routines (foam rolling / "the stick" calf massage tool / lacross ball rolling / strength work / stretching / etc).  So far, they are working.

On July 4th - after a few consistent months of running and a couple interval sessions I tried a 5k.  Our course, July 4th in the DC area is not the weather to set PR's, but I was able to get within 10 seconds of the same race a few years prior.  So far, so good.

After a month or so of adding weekend long runs to the schedule and I ran the Leesburg 20k in mid-August.  This time I was able to bring down my finish time from three years prior by 2:00.  Feeling good about that one.

And so - I continued on, keeping consistent mileage with Tuesday workouts and Saturday Long Runs.  Overall mileage hovering around 50mpw.  In mid-September I ran the Dulles Airport 10k, run on the runway (so perfectly flat).  This time I ran a PR by around 45 seconds (38:39).  To be fair, this was my first 10k on a decently fast course.  But still, a PR at 52 years old is exciting.

So now - I took a  big leap - I signed up for the Richmond Marathon.  I put together a 12 week plan and starting getting after it.  Four weeks to go, training has been going well.  I've been diligently feeling for a niggles or those "wrong" kind of pains that spell potential trouble.  I've had a few along the way, but I've been able to manage them before they became an issue.

Last weekend I completed my longest run of the build - 23 miles - and I've done quite a bit of work at MP.   I've had 5 or 6 weeks above 60mpw, and pretty soon I'll start the taper.

I plan to start updating here regularly again.  So, check back soon.

Thx for reading - opinions welcome.

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